Compliance Services

Together with our competent lawyers and solution partners, we provide sustainable consultancy services with compliance project, audit and training services for the compliance processes with the legislation in line with the needs of our clients ranging from boutique companies to corporate companies.

Data Protection and Privacy

Data protection is a process that ensures to process personal data secure, accurate and lawful. By providing our clients with compliance projects, audits and consultancy services in the field of privacy, we ensure that a continuous, up-to-date and dynamic privacy culture is created for the client’s needs.

IT Law

We provide legal consultancy services to companies in the field of information technologies, both within the framework of their establishments and daily activities, and we represent our clients in legal and criminal disputes within the framework of information law.

Commercial and Corporate Law

We work with our client companies in a wide range of areas ranging from the follow-up of the establishment stages to the compliance studies with the sectoral legislation, from the preparation of contract drafts to the execution of the negotiation processes and the resolution of possible disputes.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

We represent our clients both before the judiciary and at the negotiation stage in the resolution of disputes arising between the employee and the employer, and we provide consultancy services to minimize possible risks within the scope of work legislation compliance.


Turn conflict into resolution with our expert mediation services. We transform disputes into dialogues, fostering an environment of understanding and mutual agreement. Our experienced mediators are committed to creating win-win solutions, bridging the gap between divergent perspectives.